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Pontiac Emergency Shelter needs your help!

There are lovely men, women, and children in need of meals.  Please consider signing up to provide breakfast, sack lunches, or dinners for 15 people.

New Birth Emergency Shelter in Pontiac: Shelter Angels —

The shelter is also seeking volunteers to help cover the evening hours. Sign up for a 4-hour shift with your spouse or a friend, and bless these brothers and sisters as they rest.

New Birth Emergency Shelter in Pontiac: Overnight Angels —

Fun facts:  last night, we met 3 darling little girls… and we celebrated the 4th new job acquired by guests this week!  They are taking care of each other—offering to wake each other up for work, since not all have phones or alarm clocks… oh what we take for granted….

Guests are in need of transportation and clothing for their new jobs.  If you would like to donate a bus pass or gift card, you can drop it off at the parish office to Cindy’s attention with “emergency shelter” on the envelope. Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8:30am–5pm
Friday 8:30am-12:00pm
Closed for lunch daily 12-1pm

Mass Times

Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 9:45am, 11:30am

Mon & Wed 9:00am


Saturday 3:30pm
