Kindergarten – Grade 5

As a people of St. Irenaeus, we are called to continue the mission of Jesus and to spread the Good News of God’s love. We do this by teaching God’s Word, worshiping, celebrating the sacraments, and serving the people in the community. The role of our Faith Formation staff and catechists is to teach, encourage and support the students on their faith journey so that they too, will continue the mission of Jesus.
At St. Irenaeus, we offer a curriculum strong in the Catholic faith, beliefs, and principles. Our goal is to nurture the faith life of each student. Our program will help foster faith, morals, family, and friendship. We do this in a safe and caring environment while supporting parents and guardians as the first and primary educators of their child’s Catholic faith.
To enroll your child in Faith Formation Classes, please call the Faith Formation Office at (248)651-2443.
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Out of “Family of Parishes” Fee
If your family is not registered with St. Irenaeus, St. Andrew, or St. Mary of the Hills, a $200 out of parish fee will be added in addition to your other Faith Formation fees.
When are Faith Formation Classes offered?
Faith Formation classes for are offered from October through April on the following dates and times:
Kindergarten: Sunday 9:45am-10:45am
Grades 1-5: Monday 6:00 – 7:15pm, Tuesday 4:45 – 6:00pm
Middle School Ministry (Grades 6 & 7): Monday 6:00 – 7:15pm, Tuesday 4:45 – 6:00pm
Grades 8 & 9: Confirmation preparation is a two-phase program. Phase I – 8th Grade meets one Sunday a Month from September to April. Phase II- 9th Grade meets weekly from September through December.
When should I register my child for Faith Formation?
Typically, registrations are submitted from May through September with classes beginning in October. Late registrations are accepted at any time depending on availability.
Are there other alternatives if these class days or times do not work for our schedule?
Yes, you may attend Faith Formation classes at either of our Family of Parish churches (St. Andrew or St. Mary of the Hills). If interested, check their website for information regarding their Faith Formation programs.
How can I become a Catechist, Substitute or Teacher Aide?
We are always looking for catechists willing to volunteer their time to teach the children about our Catholic faith. In addition, substitutes are needed to fill in for teachers who may be sick or off during a specific class. Teacher aides (students in grade 5+) are needed to help in the younger grade levels. If interested, please call the Faith Formation Department at 248-651-2443.
How can my older children make their sacraments?

OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) is open to all children between the ages of 9-15, who have not been baptized or who are baptized in another Christian denomination. These classes are designed to educate children in the Catholic faith and prepare them for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Whether your family is just entering the Church, returning to the practice of the Catholic faith, or delayed your child’s sacramental preparation, all are welcome.
The OCIC classes are in addition to the student being enrolled in class through our Faith Formation program. The program will provide a review of the essentials and key teachings of the Catholic faith. Day and time for the OCIC classes are to be determined.
Please contact Kathy Freer, Director of Faith Formation for further information at 248-651-2443 x 117 or