Join our planning meetings:
Every 2nd Tuesday at 1:00pm at St. Irenaeus Room 9/11
The Catholic Widowed Club of Rochester plans a variety of outings each month! Get new additions and regular updates sent right to your inbox! Please contact John Paille to be added to our Widowed Club email communications:
How we began…
After a summer lunch with service projects for widows and widowers in our Family of Parishes in 2021, many expressed interest in continuing to meet. An initial gathering of a dozen interested planners determined that social events (lunches, dinners, field trips, dances, museums, etc.) would be the focus of this group… and the “Widowed Club of Rochester” was born!
Planning Team
All widows and widowers from St. Andrews, St. Irenaeus, and St. Mary of the Hills are welcome to help plan events—we have had a fluid handful of folks from our Family of Parishes join us for each planning meeting as their schedules have allowed. If you would like to join us, please do!
Open Invitation for Events
All widows and widowers are welcome to attend our events! You don’t have to be Catholic or a member of our Family of Parishes to join us—but our core group is Catholic and was born out of our Family of Parishes. We offer local opportunities for our widowed friends to enjoy each other’s company on fun social outings together. Feel free to invite a widowed friend to one of our activities!