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End Human Trafficking

End Human Trafficking

Help us pray, learn, act, and advocate to fight against the evil of human trafficking.

2025 Human Trafficking Awareness Month Ideas

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will. Human trafficking is an offense against the fundamental dignity of the human person.


Pray for the prevention of human trafficking; for the rescue, deliverance, protection, and healing of the victims; for the prosecution and conversion of hearts of the traffickers; for no more demand—that no man or woman would have the desire to purchase, violate, or tarnish the dignity of another human being.

O God, when we hear of children and adults deceived and taken to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation, forced labour, and organ ‘harvesting’, our hearts are saddened and our spirits angry that their dignity and rights are ignored through threats, lies, and force. We cry out against the evil practice of this modern slavery, and pray with St. Bakhita for it to end. Give us wisdom and courage to reach out and stand with those whose bodies, hearts and spirits have been so wounded, so that together we may make real your promises to fill these sisters and brothers with a love that is tender and good. Send the exploiters away empty-handed to be converted from this wickedness, and help us all to claim the freedom that is your gift to your children. Amen

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the issue of human trafficking, but we can take action. We can speak out and insist that our elected officials support effective legislation, such as the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and we can support World Vision and other programs to end trafficking and care for survivors.

Dear Lord, just as You helped Moses and Aaron as they spoke boldly to Pharaoh on behalf of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, help us speak up for modern-day slaves around the world. We pray that through our actions we can help bring an end to human trafficking.

Extreme poverty is at the root of the vast majority of trafficking around the world. Poor families are vulnerable to the tactics of traffickers, who lure their victims with the promise of well-paying jobs in other cities or countries. Once isolated from their families, victims are forced to work for little or no pay and brutalized if they try to resist. One of the best ways to prevent human trafficking is to help families become self-sufficient.

Dear Lord, most of us reading this will never experience the kind of extreme poverty that millions of people live with every day. Help us to be understanding and compassionate toward their needs. Help us to love them in the way that You love them with the resources and abilities You’ve given to each of us. Give us the will to make things better and the opportunity to act.

Children who are rescued from traffickers need a safe place to recover from abuse. Survivors of human trafficking often suffer severe psychological damage. Their hearts and spirits have been assaulted as much as their bodies. They are ashamed of what has happened to them. It’s common for their former captors to try to recover what they regard as their “property.” Several organizations provide survivors with emergency shelter, legal assistance, and counseling.

Dear Lord, You are a strong tower and a mighty fortress. Help Your rescued children feel safe and begin to heal. Protect them from others who seek to harm them.  Your Word shows that You bring new joy and hope where previously there was only shame and fear. We ask this for our brothers and sisters, who desperately need to accept that they can be made new.

The men and women who prey on the poor and innocent need to be arrested, prosecuted, and punished for their crimes.  Even a small number of convictions can have a major impact in reducing trafficking crime; but prosecuting traffickers can be difficult because survivors are terrified to testify against them.

Dear Lord, You demand justice for Your children who have been wronged. Give strength to people who investigate and prosecute traffickers. Encourage them when they are weary. Give courage to survivors when they are asked to testify against their former captors. Let Your justice prevail.


Learn about the online dangers for kids…and beyond

Human trafficking can happen to anyone, but some people are more vulnerable than others. Significant risk factors include recent migration or relocation, substance use, mental health concerns, involvement with the child welfare system and being a runaway or homeless youth. Often, traffickers identify and leverage their victims’ vulnerabilities in order to create dependency.  There is no single scenario that describes how every single victim and survivor winds up in human trafficking situations. But there are patterns we know about – tried and true ways traffickers target, lie to and manipulate them into trafficking situations.  Arm yourself with knowledge that can save.

Watch a 4-minute video about human trafficking in general:

View a 12-minute video about Youth Risk Factors and Trafficker’s Tactics:

Watch an 8.5-minute news clip about how Theresa Flores began the SOAP project to help victims of human trafficking find a way out: 

Watch a 20-minute testimony of Theresa Flores (a suburban teen victim-turned-advocate):

Watch a 40-minute video about modern-day slavery in Michigan, “Stuck in Traffic”:

Watch the full-length feature film starring Jim Caviezel, “Sound of Freedom,” now available on Netflix.

Take Action

There are several organizations in our area that help in the fight against human trafficking; rescue and care for the victims; and advocate for justice and safety.  Learn about what they do, and how you may be able to help!

Children under the age of 13 work backbreaking 40-hour weeks on coffee farms.

Most shimmery cosmetics contain mica – a mined mineral that is often linked to child labor and extreme working conditions.

A lot of cheap clothing is sewn in sweatshops, under unsafe working conditions where workers toil for pennies. A U.S. Department of Labor investigation found pay violations in 85% of the garment shops it looked into in Los Angeles, California a few years back. Many workers only made only $2.68/hour.

By purchasing Fair Trade products, you will safeguard humane working conditions, help reduce poverty, and encourage environmentally friendly production methods. Find out what products and stores are Fair Trade Certified. You can make a difference just by the decisions you make in purchasing. Here are a couple of sites that can help get you started!


Making our voice heard in Congress can effect change that will save lives.  Learn about the latest campaigns that will keep our children safer, protect those most vulnerable, and bring us closer to ending human trafficking.

Keep your eyes and ears open, trust your gut, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and speak up if something seems wrong.  See something, say something—you could save a life!