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Prayer Groups

Prayer Groups

Intercessory Prayer Group

Intercessory prayer is the powerful act of praying for another.  An intercessor is one who takes up a “burden” that goes beyond his or her own needs and intentions by praying for the needs of others.  It is God’s desire that every believer be active in intercessory prayer. What a wonderful privilege we have in being able to come before our Almighty God with our prayers and requests! 

Our Intercessory Prayer Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s each month from 10:00 – 11:00am in the Staff Lounge.  We begin with discussion about the daily gospel reading, followed by group prayer for requests submitted online, our individual needs, the needs of our world, and the requests from the Archdiocese of Detroit. 

For further information, please contact Ellen Stuart at 248-651-2443 x115 or To submit a prayer request, please visit our prayer request page.

Men’s Saturday Prayer Group

We read the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday readings, share our experiences in how the readings touch our lives, and pray about how best to live out these readings in our daily life. Books that include the readings and commentary are available to take home for your reference.

Come join us from 8:00 – 9:00am on the 1st and 3rd Saturday’s of the month (see Calendar) in rooms 9 & 11.  For further information, contact Glen Steyer 248-464-3447 or Paul Busch 248-872-4579.

Prayer Warriors

Prayer Warriors intercede on behalf of our parishioners; lifting specific concerns up to our Lord in prayer via an email prayer chain. Prayer Warriors will receive an email approximately once a week… and can lift the requests up in prayer on their own whenever it is most convenient.

For further information, contact Cindy Monaghan at 248-656-8720 or

Rosary Prayer Groups

According to Catholic tradition, St. Dominic was given the rosary by the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1214 in the Monastery of Prouille. Since then, it has been considered one of the Catholic Church’s powerful tools of prayer, loved by Catholics across the centuries Pope Francis is encouraging all Catholics to “rediscover the beauty of praying the rosary”. We are blessed to have two groups that pray the rosary…one group before mass and one group after mass on Monday and Wednesday. All are welcome to attend, come and join the group.

The rosary group that prays before mass begins at 8:30 (1/2 hour before mass begins). This group prays a rosary (5 decades) on Monday with the Joyful Mysteries and on Wednesday with the Glorious Mysteries.

The other rosary group prays after mass for 1 hour. This includes 3 rosaries (15 decades) saying the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries. In addition, they pray intercessory prayers for our nation, state and community. The hour ends by praying the Stations of the Cross.

Korean Rosary Prayer Group

Come join us… We are a Korean speaking, “Legion of Mary” group who meets
every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00am to pray the rosary in Korean. The Legion of Mary is devoted to prayer, charity work and evangelization. It was founded in 1921 by an Irishman, Frank Duff, and was brought to Korea by Francis Ig-chin Kim, who translated the Marian Guidebook into Korean. This group meets from September to the beginning of June.

For further information, please call the parish office at 248-651-9595.

Special Needs Prayer Group

We welcome all Special Needs adults as we gather on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 1:00 – 2:30pm in the Parish Hall. Our guests will join together in prayer, act out the scriptures by becoming characters in the stories, make crafts, sing and dance to music, and enjoy a snack. Fun, food and fellowship will be had by all.

Learn more here —

For further information, please contact Rayanne Gardner at with any questions or if you would be interested in helping in this ministry.

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8:30am–5pm
Friday 8:30am-12:00pm
Closed for lunch daily 12-1pm

Mass Times

Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 9:45am, 11:30am

Mon & Wed 9:00am


Saturday 3:30pm
