First Communion Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of First Communion begins in 2nd grade. The students are prepared in the classroom as part of their curriculum. This preparation begins in January and continues through April. Catholic School students who need to make this sacrament, please register online for the sacrament and the book fee.
If you have a child in an upper grade, that has not made this sacrament, please contact Kathy Freer, Director of Faith Formation at (248) 651-2443 x117 or email at
First Reconciliation Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, commonly referred to as Penance or Confession, begins in 2nd Grade. The students are prepared in the classroom as part of their curriculum. Catholic School students who need to make this sacrament, please register online for the sacrament and the book fee. If you are a student in an upper grade and wish to make this sacrament, please register for the sacrament when registering for Faith Formation.
Confirmation Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-phase program. This program is for public school as well as Catholic school students.
Phase I begins in 8th grade and is for both parents and their young adult. Phase I consists of 8 sessions (the first session is a retreat format) and meets one Sunday a month from 2:00 – 3:30pm. These sessions are facilitated each month by a different speaker helping the student build and nurture a relationship with Jesus through prayer, meditation, the sacraments, reflecting on scripture and service in the community.
Phase II begins in 9th grade and is for those who have completed the Phase I program. Phase II is in session from September through December and consists of 8 sessions (one being a retreat). Students come together to meet in prayer, open the word of God and learn how to apply the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives. All 9th grade students work together on a common service project and must attend two youth group meetings. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the winter of 9th grade.
If you have any questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Melanie Avila, Confirmation Coordinator at 248-651-2443 x119 or