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Under no circumstances will St. Irenaeus Parish or its staff ever send an email or text asking for money.

Inclement Weather Policy at St. Irenaeus

Inclement Weather Policy at St. Irenaeus

Your safety is a primary concern of the pastoral staff at St. Irenaeus. Please be advised that on days when the Rochester Community Schools are closed, the normal weekday 8:30am Masses are CANCELLED, and that the Church will NOT be open. Please do NOT venture out to Church on these mornings, and instead . . . BE SAFE at home!

Religious Education classes, parent meetings, RCIA and bible-study classes are also CANCELLED on days when the Rochester Community Schools are closed.

Youth Group gatherings on Wednesday evenings will also be CANCELLED on days when the Rochester Community Schools are closed.

We encourage you to sign up for our parish email and Facebook which can be done at the top of our website (click on envelope in top-right corner for email, or the large “F” for Facebook). The cancellation of Masses (including weekends if ever necessary) or parish events will be communicated via email and social media, and posted on the homepage of our website.

Prudential Judgment should always be used for any event at St. Irenaeus including weekend Masses. No event, including Mass, requires your attendance if you feel that weather conditions are dangerous. It is your right and responsibility to determine whether it is safe and/or wise to travel when road conditions may be hazardous. Those who choose not to travel because of unsafe conditions are relieved from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Thank you for your cooperation and remember…BE SAFE!

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8:30am–5pm
Friday 8:30am-12:00pm
Closed for lunch daily 12-1pm

Mass Times

Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 9:45am, 11:30am

Mon & Wed 9:00am


Saturday 3:30pm
