Hear what fellow parishioners have to say
about our parish family!
A Message from
Fr. Gerry
Dear Parishioners of St. Irenaeus,
I invite you to join our parish community by responding to the “Reigniting Our Mission” program. Please review the contents of this brochure and prayerfully consider how you and your family can play an active role in reigniting our mission and continuing the work of the Lord entrusted to us. After experiencing the “ash” of the pandemic and amid these uncertain economic times, I am confident that we can, like the phoenix, move forward and rise to the challenge of reigniting our commitment to further God’s kingdom here on earth.
A special Commitment Weekend will be held on September 30 – October 1 to allow parishioners to reflect on God’s blessings and to make a commitment that will allow St. Irenaeus to continue to be a “beacon on the hill.” Please take the time to pray, listen, reflect, and renew your commitment to the works of the Lord through the life of our parish community. St. Irenaeus…pray for us!
Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and support of our St. Irenaeus Catholic Community.
In Christ, who continually reignites us,
Fr. Gerry
Making your Commitment
Fill out an electronic Commitment Card online.
Mail your card to the parish using the envelope included with your letter.
Bring your card to Mass and place it in the collection basket.
Spreading the Gospel, building the kingdom
Fulfilling your New Commitment
Three simple and secure ways to do so:
Sign up for Online Giving or update your current online gift amount at www.osvhub.com/stirenaeus